puzzle pyramid 2



~4 min read


617 words

I’m out on vacation with my family and we were playing a card game, Tiny Polka Dot, which is described as “Number-Loving Learning Fun”.

It’s full of little puzzles to solve using dots and numbers. One, named Pyramid Puzzle 2, is described as suitable for ages 7+. Bull sh*t.

The puzzle: Arrange the ten cards (all with a number 1 through 10 on them) to make a pyramid so that each number is the difference of the two below it.

The card provides an example:

5 9

We weren’t having any luck intuiting our way through the problem, but fortunately, I had a computer on hand so we wrote it up and brute forced our way.

The key was to be able to describe our triangle as a system of interrelated equations.

a = Math.abs(b-c)
b = Math.abs(d-e)
c = Math.abs(e-f)
d = Math.abs(g-h)
e = Math.abs(h-i)
f = Math.abs(j-i)

Where a represents the top of the pyramid, b and c are the second row, etc.

Once we had that, we could set up a loop and let the computer just try different combinations until it arrived at a suitable match. Please note it may take a few (hundred thousand / million) tries.

Here’s an interactive repl and the full solution below.

function allowedRand() {
  return Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10)

function pyramidPuzzle2() {
  let a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j

  let count = 1
  while (true) {
    a = b = c = d = e = f = g = h = i = j = allowedRand()
    count += 1
    console.log({ count })

    while (b == a) {
      b = allowedRand()
    while (c == a || c == b) {
      c = allowedRand()
    while (d == c || d == b || d == a) {
      d = allowedRand()
    while (e == d || e == c || e == b || e == a) {
      e = allowedRand()
    while (f == e || f == d || f == c || f == b || f == a) {
      f = allowedRand()
    while (g == f || g == e || g == d || g == c || g == b || g == a) {
      g = allowedRand()
    while (h == g || h == f || h == e || h == d || h == c || h == b || h == a) {
      h = allowedRand()
    while (
      i == h ||
      i == g ||
      i == f ||
      i == e ||
      i == d ||
      i == c ||
      i == b ||
      i == a
    ) {
      i = allowedRand()
    while (
      j == i ||
      j == h ||
      j == g ||
      j == f ||
      j == e ||
      j == d ||
      j == c ||
      j == b ||
      j == a
    ) {
      j = allowedRand()

    if (
      f === Math.abs(j - i) &&
      e === Math.abs(h - i) &&
      d === Math.abs(g - h) &&
      c === Math.abs(e - f) &&
      b === Math.abs(d - e) &&
      a === Math.abs(b - c)
    ) {
  console.log(`${a}\n${b}, ${c}\n${d}, ${e}, ${f}\n${g}, ${h}, ${i}, ${j}`)


One fun constraint that you can add is to limit the top two numbers to three or four:

while (a !== 3 && a !== 4) {
  a = allowedRand()

Why this is a constraint, I’m not totally sure (a friend suggested it), but the number of permutations I needed to run through was cut by ~90% once added.

Hi there and thanks for reading! My name's Stephen. I live in Chicago with my wife, Kate, and dog, Finn. Want more? See about and get in touch!