safer passwords using bcrypt



~2 min read


293 words

At the end of yesterday’s post, Salt & Hash: A Password Recipe , I alluded to the use of bcrypt as a better solution than rolling your own.

If you don’t believe me and/or want more information about why, please read:

  1. Coda Hale on “How to Safely Store A Password”
  2. Auth0 on “Hashing in Action: Understanding bcrypt”

But, since yesterday I walked through all of the details for how you might salt and hash a password for saving / retrieval, I thought I’d revisit the problem but use bcrypt this time.

Thanks to bcrypt, our story is significantly simpler.

Let’s look at how:

const bcrypt = require("bcrypt")`/signup`, async (req, res) => {
  const { email } = req.body
  const password = await bcrypt.hash(req.body.password, 10)
  const user = await createUser({ email, password })

bcrypt.hash is asynchronous, so we need to await the result, but once it’s ready, we can store just the password.

Why don’t we need to keep the salt around? Because that’s all we need in order to compare it when we get to the sign in phase.

const bcrypt = require("bcrypt")`/signin`, async (req, res) => {
  const { email } = req.body
  const { password } = await fetchCreds(email)
  const match = await, password)
  if (match) {
  } else {

Here’s it all as once small node app to see it in action:

const bcrypt = require("bcrypt")

function encryptPassword(plaintextPassword) {
  return bcrypt.hash(plaintextPassword, 10)

function compare(plaintextPassword, hashedPassword) {
  return, hashedPassword)
const password = "itsybitsymitsy"

encryptPassword(password).then((hashedPassword) => {
  console.log(`bcrypt.hash ==> `, hashedPassword)
  compare(password, hashedPassword).then((compared) =>
    console.log(`matched --> ${compared}`),

The result:

$ node src/index.js
bcrypt.hash ==>  $2b$10$g2EevpvEEsRkgty5EpO7EehBW4dRrNEkQJqQfbFDeI9Z4p3tDd5Zy
matched --> true

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