5 posts tagged with "agile"

    story points, credit, and cakes



    ~2 min read


    255 words

    You’re running an Agile team. You have sprints. Story points on your tickets. But things go wrong. Some of your estimates aren’t right. Or…

    agile: stories



    ~4 min read


    603 words

    Summary A Story refers to incremental work that delivers value to customers or stakeholders. Stories have three major pieces: Context User…

    planning poker: a primer



    ~4 min read


    706 words

    Prerequisites Planning Poker requires a set of Stories. It is best practice for the set of stories to be shared in advance of the game so…

    production systems need slack



    ~2 min read


    212 words

    In The Goal, Eliyahu Goldratt introduces the Theory of Constraints as a way to think about production. One of the key insights is that the…

    rethinking the stand up meeting



    ~4 min read


    727 words

    In a Scrum / Agile workflow, one of the most important meetings of the day is the daily Scrum / Stand Up. It’s also one that’s so easy to…

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