5 posts tagged with "aliases"

    typescript: absolute imports and aliases



    ~4 min read


    624 words

    Update May 22, 2021: I’ve now tried this a number of times since writing this originally and nearly every time I run into problems where it…

    aliases and the .bash_profile



    ~4 min read


    791 words

    .gitconfig follow-up with .bash_profille In my previous Git posts (here and here), I noted that one of the things I found really helpful was…

    graphql aliases



    ~5 min read


    988 words

    For a long time, my site has been fueled by a single graphql query. The site is a single page that is a running list of all my blog posts…

    next level shell: aliases and functions



    ~3 min read


    578 words

    Imagination Time Imagine a situation where you want to be able to navigate to a specific directory then open that directory with your text…

    oh-my-zsh and persistent aliases



    ~4 min read


    631 words

    NB: If you want the quick steps to add aliases to your , jump down to the section, ”Adding Aliases: The Better Way“. First, a little…

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