8 posts tagged with "aws"




    ~1 min read


    117 words

    Don’t know why, but I have an issue where I need to refresh my git credentials for a single project every time I try - normally a few days…

    writing aws lambdas in typescript using sam



    ~2 min read


    342 words

    I recently discovered AWS’s cli for managing serverless applications. On the face, this feels like a fantastic way to manage new…

    aws sam in 30 seconds



    ~2 min read


    371 words

    Preamble: I am exploring different areas of AWS and am finding the jargon overwhelming. To help myself, I’ll be writing up summaries of some…

    referencing other blocks (and other variables) in terraform



    ~3 min read


    578 words

    Terraform allows the configuration of infrastructure through code. It’s cross-platform and declarative. You tell terraform what you want, it…

    configuring the aws cli



    ~3 min read


    492 words

    Prerequisites Before we can configure the AWS CLI, we need to gather a few pieces of information first: Access key ID Secret Access Key ID…

    setting up aws cli version 2 on macos



    ~1 min read


    122 words

    The steps to install AWS CLI on MacOS (requires sudo permission): Download via cURL Run the standard Confirm the installation If only…

    aws iam in 30 seconds



    ~3 min read


    405 words

    Preamble: I am exploring different areas of AWS and am finding the jargon overwhelming. To help myself, I’ll be writing up summaries of some…

    aws s3 in 30 seconds



    ~2 min read


    383 words

    Preamble: I am exploring different areas of AWS and am finding the jargon overwhelming. To help myself, I’ll be writing up summaries of some…

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