5 posts tagged with "resilience"

    exponential backoffs



    ~1 min read


    61 words

    An exponential backoff is an algorithm for retrying requests at exponentially slower rates. Exponential backoff is a strategy for solving…

    thundering herd



    ~1 min read


    48 words

    When lots of processes or threads are all awaiting a single event, they can be awoken simultaneously when that even occurs. Only one process…

    introduce jitter to avoid the thundering herd



    ~1 min read


    51 words

    Jitter is a technique to introduce a degree of randomness that will result in improved performance of unreliable systems by helping to avoid…

    resilience strategies



    ~1 min read


    75 words

    In distributed systems, nothing is certain. This includes network requests. So, how do we handle a failed network request? Do we simply…

    why write?



    ~4 min read


    643 words

    In his annual letter to shareholders, Jeff Bezos answered a question that had been following him around for twenty years: what does Day…

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