why sets are always unique: hashing



~2 min read


286 words

I was doing a little reading on Sets this morning and had a bit of an ‘a ha’ moment about why Sets are always unique.

Let’s say we have an array that potentially has duplicates, but we only want to deal with unique values. We can use a Set to help with this:

const myArray = ["test", "other", "new", "new"]
const mySet = new Set(myArray)
console.log(mySet) // {"test", "other", "new"}
const dedupedArray = [...mySet]
console.log(dedupedArray) // ["test","other","new"]

But why is this?

One way to think about a Set is as a hash table that only stores the key.

The implication is that when you see a value a second time, the insert operation that hashes the value to find its new location results in the same value as before — consequently, the new value will be placed on top of the old one. Since they’re the same value, you can’t really tell which is which either way, but the result is that a duplicate takes up no additional space.

If we step through building a set, we can see it as well:

const mySet = new Set(["test", "other"])
console.log(mySet) // {"test", "other"}
console.log(mySet) // {"test", "other", "new"}
mySet.has("new") // true
console.log(mySet) // {"test", "other", "new"}

Again, we added ‘new’ twice (or tried) to our set. In the end, however, there’s only one remaining. No error was thrown. From the perspective of the set, it was handled just fine.

This is not groundbreaking stuff, but it’s always fun when I can make new connections between concepts - and understanding that Sets enforce uniqueness as a result of hashing is exactly the kind of thing that brings a smile to my face.

Hi there and thanks for reading! My name's Stephen. I live in Chicago with my wife, Kate, and dog, Finn. Want more? See about and get in touch!